Tuesday, November 13, 2012

for the foreigner in you: "lila says"

i got a little bored of having the same ol' same formula: what to watch, ear candy, betty's obsessions, song to download. sooo, i've added a new feature: for the foreigner in you, where i'll be showcasing my favorite foreign films. and believe me, there are quite a few.
this first one has been on my brain ever since i started this blog, probably because it highlights several sexual themes like, lust, obsession, virginity, obscenity...blah blah...the whole kit and caboodle. lila says is the story of chimo, a young muslim boy in paris who becomes obsessed with the sexually enchanting lila.

lila, played by vahina giacante, is beautiful and wayward. and chimo, who's always been labeled the "good kid" by his friends, is extremely taken by her (but who wouldn't be enamored with a girl who asks you if you want to see her "pussy?").
chimo is in for a little secret towards the end of the film, but then again so is everyone who knows lila.
quintessentially french. i wouldn't call it epic, but it definitely is entertaining.
try it on for size and tell me what you think

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