Thursday, November 8, 2012

ear candy: "little dragon"

sigh. i honestly dont remember how i found out about this band. but, man, i'm so glad i did. little dragon, is a quartet featuring singer yukimi nagano and her bandmates fred, erik and hagan. together the four of them create magic. a mix of hip hop, neo soul, reggae, indie pop and straight up glorified my favorite of all genres, trip hop, their debut album "little dragon" is one for the record books. definitely one of those albums you head straight to the record store to buy and play over and over again whether your drug of choice is analog or digital.
it's yukimi's vocals that take the cake for me. who sounds, on occassion, like a mix of missy elliot and amel larrieux (of groove theory fame). the comparisons don't even make up for what she brings to album.

my personal faves:
after the rain
try it on for size and tell me what you think

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